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Referat Engleza

On the streets of Brooklyn a movement was growing as well. Scores of writers were active. FRIENDLY FREDDIE was an early Brooklyn writer to gain fame. The subway system proved to be a line of communication and a unifying element for all these separate m...

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Thomas hardy

Referat Engleza

" According to Hardy, man and woman are condemned to live in a world that is ruled by universal pitiless laws, predetermined by Nature itself. Fatal chance is an invisible force in all the relationships of human being, there is the Blind Destiny, the s...

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Peoples and traditions

Referat Engleza

Artistic and cultural activity in Britain ranges from the highest professional standards to a wide variety of amateur involvement. London is one of the leading world centers for drama, music, opera and dance. Other cities are serve as centers of artist...

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A study on the detective story

Referat Engleza

So, taking as key concepts some ideas: "adventure", "challenge", "reasoning", "meeting danger from the safe position of the reader", "being finally morally rewarded by the punishment of the evil", we can understand why the detective fiction has so much...

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Dry cell

Referat Engleza

The dry cell has a potential difference of about 1.25 V; the zinc electrode is negative. It is a good source of electrical power and the materials of construction are relatively cheap. The cell voltage during discharge falls off rather badly and the dr...

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Referat Engleza

The last bedraggled fan sloshed out of Max Yasgurs muddy pasture more than 25 years ago. Thats when the debate began about Woodstocks historical significance. True believers still call Woodstock the capstone of an era devoted to human advancement. Cyni...

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William shakespeare

Referat Engleza

After about 1608, Shakespeares dramatic production lessened and it seems that he spent more time in Stratford. There he had established his family in an imposing house called New Place, and had become a leading local citizen. He died on April 23, 1616,...

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Referat Engleza

Who is Vangelis? Vangelis is a famous Greek composer and keyboardist. He composes and performs mainly instrumental music and filmscores. His music is often categorized under terms like "synthesizer", "sympho" and "new age"......

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The history of united states of america

Referat Engleza

At home the 1960s witnessed a successful protest movement by American blacks to outlaw racial segregation and discrimination and to obtain full voting rights in the South and other parts of the country. The expense of the Vietnam War drained resources ...

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The gallic wars

Referat Engleza

In 58 BC, he moved across the borders into Gaul, defeating the westward migration of the Helvetii and then crushing the Sueban mercenaries under Ariovistus. With his victory against the Germans, Caesar firmly cemented his position as Marius heir. In th...

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The energy story

Referat Engleza

An atoms nucleus can be split apart. When this is done, a tremendous amount of energy is released. The energy is both heat and light energy. This energy, when let out slowly, can be harnessed to generate electricity. When it is let out all at once, it ...

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Grand canyon

Referat Engleza

The broad, intricately sculptured chasm of the Grand Canyon contains between its outer walls a multitude of imposing peaks, buttes, canyons, and ravines. It ranges in width from about 0.1 to 18 miles (0.2 to 29 km) and extends in a winding course from ...

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Endangered species

Referat Engleza

In June 1993, an environmental team flew to Minnesota and picked up five fledgling falcons. These birds were given a new home at the Arkansas Power & Light Company power station on the White River in Independence County. They were acclimated to the...

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Referat Engleza

The Marriage of the Virgin (1504) by Raphael demonstrates the full understanding of linear perspective that had developed by the High Renaissance. Raphael was influenced by both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, but his work has its own unique sense ...

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Referat Engleza

The fundamental characteristic of Argentina is the enormous contrast between the immense eastern plains and the imposing mountain range of the Andes to the west. This is the frontier with Chile and has the highest peak in the west, the Aconcagua, 6 959...

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Aa sea-faring mystery

Referat Engleza

The name Mary Celeste has become synonymous with concepts like "The ghost ship from Scooby Doo," but it endures as a true and tragic tale of the sea. The story begins on Nov. 4, 1872, with a friendly dinner engagement between old friends Captain Moreho...

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Amenajarea agroturistica a teritoriului - Statiunile balneoclimatice

Referat Economie

Pentru determinarea mărimii viitoarelor localizări se porneşte de la evaluarea capacităţii factorilor naturali de cură; stabilirea modalităţilor de utilizare a resurselor, cură internă sau externă, şi a necesarului p...

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Sociologie rurala - Definirea obiectului sociologiei

Referat Economie

Referat despre Sociologie rurala - Definirea obiectului sociologiei Astfel de fapte de intracÅ£iune poat fi observate ÅŸi descrise nu numai la nivelul cunoaÅŸterii comune, contingente. În ciuda marii lor diversităţi, ele pot fi orbseva...

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Globalizarea componenta a mondializarii

Referat Economie

Un aspect important de studiat este acela ce poate fi subordonat globalizarii, aceasta neepuizandu-se in totalitate, in cadrul proceselor economice, chiar daca globalizarea economica poate fi un punct de pornire si o importanta forta de punere in misca...

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Impactul extinderii Uniunii Europene asupra procesului de integrare europeana

Referat Economie

Beneficiile ÅŸi oportunităţile oferite de extindere depăşesc cu mult potenÅ£ialele obstacole, costuri ÅŸi riscuri implicate de acest proces. Extinderea este actul de politică externă de cel mai mare succes pe care l-a într...

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Referat Chimie

CLORURA DE SODIU [NaCl] este indispensabila vietii oamenilor si animalelor. Participand la formarea unor sucuri digestive, NaCl este introdusa zilnic ...

Cursuri Contabilitate financiara

Referat Economie

Contabilitatea financiară are ca obiect înregistrarea tuturor operaÅ£iilor ÅŸi tranzacÅ£iilor care afectează patrimoniul agenÅ£il...

Bauhaus - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Referat Arte Plastice

Mies van der Rohe, ultimul conducător al Bauhausului, a fost arhitectul care a explorat pînă la capăt drumul deschis de Gropius. El a cr...

Apa dura - obiectul chimie

Referat Biologie

Apa dura este nedorita. Ea nu face spuma cu sapunul ( nu spala bine ) , nu fierbe bine alimentele . Apa dura depunde pe peretii cazanelor de aburi c...

Ion Creanga

Referat Romana

Ion Creanga s-a nascut la 10 iunie 1837, in satul Humulesti din apropierea vestitei cetati a Neamtului, “sat razasesc”, asezat pe malul ...

Praslea cel voinic si merele de aur

Referat Romana

Praslea cel voinic si merele de aur - În cadrul creaÅ£ilor pupulare, operele epice în proză ocupă un loc aparte, între car...

Bubico de Ion Luca Caragiale

Referat Romana

Nouă ceasuri ÅŸi nouă minute... Peste ÅŸase minute pleacă trenul. Un minut încă ÅŸi se-nchide casa. Repede-mi iau biletul, i...

Tudor Vladimirescu

Referat Istorie

Cunoscător al limbii germane, Tudor a putut să urmărească problemele politice care se dezbăteau în presă în capitala A...

Universul liricii lui George Bacovia

Referat Romana

 Universul liricii lui George Bacovia  - Bacovia devine un poet cu un contur distinct de la primul său volum de poezii Plumb, prin care s...

Reconditionarea cuplajelor

Referat Fizica

Sunt larg raspandite in constructia de masini datorita multiplelor calitati pe care le au: amortizeaza socurile si oscilatiile la rasucire, sunt mai...

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