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Raphael (painter) (1483-1520) (properly, Raffaelo Sanzio), Italian
painter who was one of the leading artists of the Italian Renaissance.
He created many of the most significant paintings of the early 16th
century and his art was extremely influential ...
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These notes - which will stretch over several issues of [Nonviolence
Web Upfront], and take the place of the usual "Op Ed" pieces - are an
effort to summarize the basic philosophy of nonviolence. (They might be
the basis of a pamphlet when done; revise...
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London (England), city, capital of the United Kingdom. It is situated
in south-eastern England at the head of the River Thames estuary.
Settled by the Romans as an important shipping point for crops and
minerals, it gradually developed into the wealthy...
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Once you have arrived in London, there are assorted places that you
should, you really should, go and see. A good starting place is
Trafalgar Square with Nelson's Column right in the centre. It is a 51m
column, poised on top of which is the hero of the...
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LONDON (CNN) -- Princess Diana's injuries from the Paris car crash were
so severe and her blood loss so massive it would have been impossible
for her to survive, British doctors said Sunday. As details emerged
about the accident that killed the princes...
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"Julius Caesar" is one of the most important creations of William
Shakespeare, the king of English dramatists. The play was made in a
moment of England's history when the events were similar to the year 44
BC in Rome, when Caesar returned from his succ...
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The Catcher in the Rye confirmed and sustained his reputation and
gained him a position as one of the most important American writers of
the young generation. The book is nevertheless a first-rate novel and
one of the most convincing studies of adolesc...
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Henry VIII, Tudor king of England ( 1509-1547 ), and founder of the
Church of England. The son of Henry VII, he profoundly influenced the
character of the English monarchy. Henry was born in London on June 28,
1491, and on the death of his father in 15...
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Washington Square , written in 1881, belongs to James’ first period of
creation. This short novel reveals James’ special gift as a subtle
observer of human behaviour and psychology in a money oriented society.
The heroine of the novel, Cath...
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Immense gorge cut by the Colorado River into the high plateaus of
northwestern Arizona, U.S., noted for its fantastic shapes and
coloration. The broad, intricately sculptured chasm of the Grand Canyon
contains between its outer walls a multitude of imp...
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France (in French, République Française), country in western Europe,
bounded on the north by the English Channel, the Strait of Dover, and
the North Sea (which separate it from Great Britain); on the north-east
by Belgium, Luxembourg, and...
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Like Joyce and Proust, Hemingway is a writer who uses the material of
his own life to construct fiction. For example, "A Farewell to Arms"
(1929) was inspired by his war experience in Italy, and "For Whom the
Bell Tolls" (1940) reflects part of his exp...
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Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at Lamport, Portsmouth,
being the second of the eight children of John Dickens, a clerk in the
Naval Pay Office. John Dickens' work took him from place to place, so
that Charles spent his childhood in Portsm...
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Beowulf with some valiant Goth comes to the help of Hrotgar, king of
the danes who's place at Heorot is wasted by the nightly attacks of
Geandel, a giant ogre. Every night Grendel emerges from his lair in the
marshes beneath the diffs in order to seize...
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In the 1920s and '30s, Le Corbusier's most significant work was in
urban planning. In such published plans as La Ville Contemporaine
(1922), the Plan Voisin de Paris (1925), and the several Villes
Radieuses (1930-36), he advanced ideas dramatically dif...
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In "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" the narrator does not introduce
himself as a character. Lewis Carroll uses 3rd person narrative. Yet,
everything in the story is seen, heard or thought happens which she
cannot sense, or in places where she is not ...
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The mankind liked the sound of the music and the twitter of the birds,
from the beginning. By the time the music has been develop, so in this
state appeared many people with great talent beginning with Orpheus,
and finishing with Luciano Pavarotti (bor...
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The XX-th century is coming to an end. Literature worldwide has
experienced all kinds of narrative structures ( if we are to refer only
to prose) along the time , from the total omniscience to what was
called "the death of the author"....
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The name Mary Celeste has become synonymous with concepts like "The
ghost ship from Scooby Doo," but it endures as a true and tragic tale
of the sea. The story begins on Nov. 4, 1872, with a friendly dinner
engagement between old friends Captain Moreho...
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Daca am admite principiul lui Smith am constata ca el nu se aplica in
foarte multe situatii ceea ce inseamna ca principiul lui Smith este un
caz particular. Pentru toate celelalte cazuri aplicam alt principiu cu
grad mare de generalitate – princi...
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Referate de nota 10 |
CLORURA DE SODIU [NaCl] este indispensabila vietii oamenilor si animalelor. Participand la formarea unor sucuri digestive, NaCl este introdusa zilnic ...
Inductia campului magnetic
Directia vectorului inductie magnetica B intr-un punct al campului este
tangenta la linia de camp magmetic in acel punct, iar sensul este
acelasi cu...
O schisoare pierduta
Este o comedie satirică care a fost publicată în 1885. AcÅ£iunea piesei
este plasată într-un orăşel de munte, capitalÄ...
Pescarul Amin
Pescarul Amin este in literatura romana unul dintre reprezentantii
omului animal. El este urmasul unei familii vechi ce descinde din pesti.
Descoperiri arheologice arata faptul ca insulele din Bahamas au fost
locuite inca din anul 300-400 e.n.Intre anii 900-1500 e.n. s-au stabilit
Slackware Linux (având ca siglă un “S” ca pe pieptul personajului de
film Superman) este o distribuţie foarte serioasă, &...
Istoria Internetului
Se spune de regula ca istoria Internet-ului incepe odata cu ARPAnet,
uitand istoria de un secol si jumatate a telegrafului (anuntat ca
inventie in 1...
Comportarea genelor
Experimentele desfasurate de W. Johannesen cu specii pure ale Phaseolus vulgaris au permis distinctia intre genotipul si efectele mediului inconjurato...
Comunicatiile firmei
Comunicatiile firmei Procesul de comunicare este definit într-o diversitate de forme ÅŸi
puncte de vedere unii autori punând accentul p...
Fragmentul din manual este o descriere literara deoarece in primul
rând , Nicolaie Balcescu foloseÅŸte ca mod de expunere descrierea