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How to protect the earth

Referat Engleza

During Earth Day '70, people all over the nation were working on projects to protect our environment. Projects included: organizing neighborhood clean-ups, and planting trees. Demonstrators spoke out on polluters of air, water and noise in an ecology f...

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Biografia lui Eminem

Referat Engleza

Eminem subsequently made high profile appearances on Rawkus Records' Soundbombing Volume 2 compilation and Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott's Da Real World. He was also in the news when his mother filed a lawsuit claiming that comments made by the rapper du...

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An alien

Referat Engleza

I looked at him nicely while he was coming to me giving the purse. I took a candy. I thanked him and I asked him what was he doing on Earth. He told me he arrived here accidentally, but he liked very much, specially the flowers. His flower seeds were t...

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Sarcastic Quotes

Referat Engleza

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. It ain't the jeans that make yo...

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Referat Engleza

The Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Lowlands and the Appalachian Region have a more humid version of a continental type of climate. Both areas have a long, cold winter, with January averages about -10 deg C (14 deg F) in the eastern sections and -4 deg C(25 ...

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John Keats

Referat Engleza

Apoi, s-a înscris pe listele de infirmieri ale spitalelor londoneze, unde trebuia sa supervizeze incizarea plagilor pacientilor. Succesul, însa, a sosit nesperat si în circumstante complet atipice; s-a împrietenit cu editorul re...

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Gestures in Asian countries

Referat Engleza

Your Japanese host will accept the card with both hands, bow slightly and then read the card carefully. When you receive the business card from the Japanese host, be sure to examine it carefully and avoid quickly putting it away. Place it on the table ...

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Our journey to a strange planet

Referat Engleza

This evening I went down to look at the Globes for the last time before we board them. They are amazing! Our scientists have achieved the impossible. They are the largest things ever built. They are so heavy that they look more likely to sink into the ...

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Queen Elisabeth

Referat Engleza

She became Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon on the death of her father, King George VI, on 6 February 1952. As other colonies of the British Commonwealth( now Commonwealth of nations) attain...

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The Report of the Special Commission on ecclesiology

Referat Engleza

In the late summer of 2002, the central committee of the WCC met in Geneva to address a number of pressing concerns. Perhaps none of these was more potentially significant in the life of the ecumenical movement than discussion and action regarding the ...

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The Orthodox liturgy

Referat Engleza

A lot of members of the Church are becoming "nominal Christians who attend the Church just as a routine". Often such people still find it possible sociologically or culturally or ethnically to relate in some manner to the Christian community. The re-Ch...

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High school years

Referat Engleza

Our relationship with teachers was a continuous fight to overstep the boundaries of human patience. It can easily be noticed that most of them are old-fashioned and their methods of teaching are obsolete, which resulted in completely unbearable boredom...

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Referat Engleza

Claudius agrees the performance and the play begins. During the performance the king is not calm. Hamlet watches Claudius reaction and the play is interrupted by Claudius leaving. The queen is upset and calls for Hamlet .In her room Polonius hides hims...

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Pronumele - The Noun

Referat Engleza

Some, any, every se pot combina cu -one, -body, -thing pentru a obtine pronumele nehotarate: anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything. No poate forma impreuna cu -body sau -one pronumele: nobody, no-one At...

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Mark Twain

Referat Engleza

Twain was colorblind, a condition that fueled his witty banter in the social circles of the day.[citation needed] In March of 1847 when Twain was eleven, his father died of pneumonia. [citation needed] He had a meager education. The following year, Twa...

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My favorite pets

Referat Engleza

Boxer, breed of working dog, developed in Germany during the second half of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries from a number of breeds, principally the bulldog and terrier types......

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Does your resume say qualified ?

Referat Engleza

In my opinion a resume must be a powerful and distinctive professional status. In the resume you must show that you meet the needs of the employer for the job. The resume must say who I am and the level of my education, if I worked, and all of my profe...

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Referat Engleza

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 8.07 million (1998); mobile cellular: 13 million (2002). Radio broadcast stations: AM 14, FM 777, shortwave 1 (1998). Radios: 20.2 million (1997). Television broadcast stations: 179 (plus 256 repeaters) (S...

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The prisonier of Zenda

Referat Engleza

They fought whit swords and they rode fast horses. Some of this people lived in palaces and castels.Castels were strong buildings made of stone. This story happens in Ruritania.Ruritania is not a real country. There has never been a country called Ruri...

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Scottish customs and traditions

Referat Engleza

Scotland is one of four constituent nations which form the United Kingdom. Its visitor should be aware of the customs of the country as otherwise they may be confused by the behaviour of the Scots, which may seem odd at times if one is unaware of the t...

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Referat Chimie

CLORURA DE SODIU [NaCl] este indispensabila vietii oamenilor si animalelor. Participand la formarea unor sucuri digestive, NaCl este introdusa zilnic ...

Sfanta manastire voronet

Referat Geografie

In pridvor pictura reprezinta calendarul crestin-ortodox, iar pe multe Icoane se vad nume si zgarieturi, semne ale celor 206 ani de pustiire. Deasup...

Importanta gestionarii riscurilor bancare

Referat Economie

Este, desigur evident ca o strategie bancara performanta trebuie sa cuprinda atat programe cat si proceduri de gestionare a riscurilor bancare care ...

Agentia Internationala pentru Energie Atomica si armele de distrugere in masa

Referat Fizica

In aceste context,AiEa are o misiune foarte dificila, prin prisma a doua argumente. Astlfel, pe de o parte Agentia incurajeaza folosirea energiei at...

Britain after the first world war

Referat Engleza

World War I, military conflict, from August 1914 to November 1918, that involved many of the countries of Europe as well the United States and other...

Concert din muzica de Bach - Hortensia Benges

Referat Romana

Pe urmele lui Duiliu Zamfirescu ce a prezentat ciclul Comanestilor, autor care deschide o traditie in acest sens in literatura romana si in prelun...

Societatea in nume colectiv

Referat Economie

E societatea în care părÅ£ile nu sunt reprezentate prin titluri negociabile ÅŸi care nu pot fi cedate altor persoane decât dacă...

Agricultura si cresterea animalelor

Referat Geografie

Când europenii au descoperit Å£inuturile îndepărtate, ei au găsit multe culturi exotice. Grabiti sa le exploateze, ei au pus rapi...

Teoria imigrationista

Referat Istorie

Precursorii acestei teorii Sulzer, Macai, Endel si Engel înca din evul mediu mijlociu au elaborat concepte conform carora poporul si limba r...

Actiunea in stabilirea paternitatii din afara casatoriei

Referat Drept

Actiunea in stabilirea paternitatii din afara casatoriei:Actiunea se poate intenta in termen de un an de la nasterea copilului. In cazul in care cop...

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