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Exchange market

Referat Engleza

The exchange rate of the national currency is determined on the interbank foreign exchange market that was established in August 1994 as a permanent market, where foreign currency can be bought and sold in either spot or forward transactions against do...

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An ideal father

Referat Engleza

A traditional nuclear family with the father having primary responsibility for the well-being of the household. The mother has day-to-day responsibility for the care of the house and details of raising the children......

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Hyde Park

Referat Engleza

Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London and one of the Royal Parks of London. The park is divided in two by the Serpentine Lake. The park is contiguous with Kensington Gardens, which is widely assumed to be part of Hyde Park, but is tec...

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Globe Theatre

Referat Engleza

Today, the Old Globe Theatre is the flagship venue for the organization, where several world premieres, such as Into the Woods, Play On!, The Full Monty and Imaginary Friends have been staged, and have then gone on to enjoy successful runs on Broadway....

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Covent Garden

Referat Engleza

Covent Garden is a district in central London straddling the easternmost parts of the City of Westminster and the southwest corner of the London Borough of Camden. The area is dominated by shopping and entertainment facilities and contains an entrance ...

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British Royal Family

Referat Engleza

Close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom are known by the appellation The Royal Family. Although there is no strict legal or formal definition of who is or is not a member of the Royal Family, and different lists will include different peop...

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New York City

Referat Engleza

In New York City, even the bridges are astounding, supple and fascinating buildings each of them with their own architectural stile but the most known bridges are those that cross the East River and Hudson. At night they are lighten up like giant torch...

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English as a global language

Referat Engleza

A language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognized in every country. Having such a status, the global language has to be of a great importance, influencing all the domains of the human activity in the world...

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My favourite actor

Referat Engleza

Mel Gibson is one of the greatest actors from Hollywood. He is smart, intelligent and a very handsome actor (in my opinion). He is very good in what he�s doing. He is a special and talented actor, situated in the firsts 50 actors from Hollywood. H...

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Business plan

Referat Engleza

For the beginning we shall activate only in the 3d design &web design area. The other departments will be created in the following years. We graduated from the Faculty of Automatics of the Technic University. The knowledge gained there will be vita...

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World War 1 and 2,Cold War in the USA

Referat Engleza

World War I broke out in Europe in the summer of 1914. The war set Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) against the United Kingdom, France, and Russia (the Allied Powers), and eventually involved many more nations. The United States declare...

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Referat Engleza

Both English and Welsh are official languages. English is spoken by most of the population, but according to the 2001 census more than per 30 cent of the population has one or more skill in Welsh. This is defined as either understanding spoken Welsh, s...

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The European Integration

Referat Engleza

Europe made up more than 30 countries and even more distinct cultures; it is now trying to adjust to new economic systems throughout the world. In this essay I shall attempt to show you firstly the purpose behind the European Union / advantages to have ...

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Perfect land

Referat Engleza

As a little girl, when I was mad at my parents or my friends, I imagined myself living on an island, all alone like Robinson Crusoe. I kept on whishing that I could go on a cruise and suffer a shipwreck like he did, and that I could find a beautiful li...

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Referat Engleza

It was a sunny day in July when I decided to go camping with my friends from the karate club and stay three days at the with river. The place that we were supposed to meat was the club. When my father and I arrived there, we had nowhere to stay. The pl...

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Robinson Crusoe

Referat Engleza

The main feature of the waters surrounding the island is the presence of two powerful currents. One is located in the south, flowing from west to east, while the counter-current flows in the opposite direction, off the northern coast. The northern curr...

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Referat Engleza

Stonehenge itself remains a steadfast observer of the world, watching the seasons change from summer to fall to winter to spring and back again thousands of times over. But it also bears witness to movements in the heavens, observing the rhythm of the ...

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Lista verbelor neregulate

Referat Engleza

INFINITIVE SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE TRADUCERE (to) be was/were been a fi (to) begin began begu...

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The Magi

Referat Engleza

In fact,if you read with attention the whole text,you will realize that the real magi are even those two lovers.The atmosphere illustrated on route is one full of love and of other beautiful feelings like:kindness,generosity,all these being specific to...

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Referat Engleza

The first rehearsals and spectacles have taken place on improvised scenes, with translated texts from Russian, with naive subjects, sententious, the principal heroes being the bears and the rabbits. Little with little, in the theatres repertory have be...

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Referat Chimie

CLORURA DE SODIU [NaCl] este indispensabila vietii oamenilor si animalelor. Participand la formarea unor sucuri digestive, NaCl este introdusa zilnic ...

Respectarea conventiei europene a drepturilor omului in dreptul penal

Referat Drept

Primul criteriu precizat de Curte în acest sens este acela potrivit caruia, pentru existenta unei recurgeri justificate la forta, necesitatea ...

Henri James-Washington Square

Referat Engleza

Washington Square , written in 1881, belongs to James’ first period of creation. This short novel reveals James’ special gift as a subtle...

Despre Polibius

Referat Istorie

Experienta sa politica îl ajuta să analizeze profund mobilele oamenilor de stat, caracterul popoarelor ÅŸi al instituÅ£iilor lor. Studi...

Serviciile bancare

Referat Economie

Bancile efectueaza plati si in numele guvernului, in special cele privind finantarea unor proiecte de investitii de stat. Spre exemplu, statul poate...

Rolul Fondului Monetar International in economia mondiala

Referat Drept

În cele mai multe cazuri, Fondul Monetar InternaÅ£ional este principala sursă de informaÅ£ii economice fiabile ÅŸi recente despre stat...


Referat Geografie

Ucraina are o populatie numeroasa cu o majoritate de ucraineni (74%);rusi 23%,bielorusi, români,evrei,tatari.Circa 3 milioane de ucraineni tra...

Modelul german de management

Referat Economie

În opinia specialiÅŸtilor germani, cultura ţării lor a determinat modelul specific de management german, gândirea fiind influenÅ...

Lacurile din Campia Romana

Referat Geografie

SuprafaÅ£a lacului atinge 132 ha având un volum de 2,6 mil. mc de apă, o lungime de 4 km ÅŸi adâncimea între 200 ÅŸi 800 ...

Istoria orasului Galati

Referat Istorie

Datorita puternicei industrii siderurgice si navale, judetul si orasul Galati dau largi perspective de dezvoltare turismului de afaceri ,Zona libe...

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