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Jane eyre - rezumat pe capitole

Referat Engleza

When she wakes, Jane finds herself in her own bedroom, in the care of Mr. Lloyd, the family’s kind apothecary. Bessie is also present, and she expresses disapproval of her mistress’s treatment of Jane. Jane remains in bed the following day,...

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Lady Diana Spencer

Referat Engleza

The Prince's love life had always been the subject of press speculation, and he was linked to numerous women. Nearing his mid-thirties, he was under increasing pressure to marry. In order to gain the approval of his family and their advisors, including...

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Evolution of Music

Referat Engleza

The same will apply to music in the future: a song you write may involve so many contributions and meta-contributions that to claim exclusive rights to it would be a joke. Like a language, music will be a collage of ideas, notes, chords, and sounds fro...

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Guglielmo Marconi

Referat Engleza

In 1914 he was commissioned in the Italian Army as a Lieutenant being later promoted to Captain, and in 1916 transferred to the Navy in the rank of Commander. He was a member of the Italian Government mission to the United States in 1917 and in 1919 wa...

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Robin Hood and The Black Cloak

Referat Engleza

In the years of King Richard the Lionheart (1189-1199) there lived a brave and intelligent man called Robin Hood. He was a feared outlaw, who loved liberty and hated oppression. He took the law into his own hands and robbed the rich to give to the poor...

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Referat Engleza

The late stage of the condition leaves individuals prone to opportunistic infections and tumors. Although treatments for AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus's progression, there is no known cure. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous m...

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We are not permitted

Referat Engleza

Wouldn’t it be really disagreeable to know that you are living in a staged world in which each protagonist is figurant for the neighbor at the same time? I like to think that I’m free, like a dropped flower from the hand or like a stone ent...

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It's too long to wait to be happy

Referat Engleza

Nevertheless, many people say happyness is relative, it only counts what we live, either happyness or bitterness. But how could we think positively if there is not enev a bit of happyness in everything? Universe’s main law is represented by the a...

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Referat Engleza

2) Countries which have had faster economic growth have then been able to improve living standards and reduce poverty. India has cut its poverty rate in half in the past two decades. China has reduced the number of rural poor from 250 million in 1978 t...

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Bill Gates

Referat Engleza

The two-year transition process is to ensure that there is a smooth and orderly transfer of Gates’ daily responsibilities. Effective June 2006, Ray Ozzie has assumed Gates’ previous title as chief software architect and is working side by s...

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The Ford Motor Company

Referat Engleza

Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation and the world's third largest automaker based on vehicle sales in 2005. Based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Metro Detroit, the automaker was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated in 1903...

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The Olympic games

Referat Engleza

They were also religious people.The famous games at Olympia were held in honour of Zeus and always incuded lots of religious ceremonies as well as sporting events.The Olympic Games took place every leap year and all cities in Greece sent their best ath...

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Referat Engleza

The well-known conductor Herbert von Karajan was asked to write three instrumental arrangements - for solo piano, for wind instruments and for symphony orchestra and he conducted the performance used to make the official recording. He wrote his decisio...

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Referat Engleza

These large-scale accidental discharges of petroleum are an important cause of pollution along shore lines. Besides the supertankers, off-shore drilling operations contribute a large share of pollution. One estimate is that one ton of oil is spilled fo...

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Jurassik Park

Referat Engleza

Subject of this movie(Jurassic Park) seem simly but very atractive.It passed four years from inefective tentaive to create a park populated with dinosaurs in Nublar Island.But John Hammond do not loose the time and now he testimony to Ian Malcom that e...

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Referat Engleza

The word “freedom” is full of ambiguities. An unemployed man is free, because he is not restricted to behave in a certain way by the schedule of a factory, job, or the burden of daily servitutes. An unemployed man is, still, a slave because...

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The Land of Arthur

Referat Engleza

King Arthur is the figure at the heart of the Arthurian legends. He is said to be the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall. Arthur is a near mythic figure in Celtic stories such as Culhwch and Olwen. In early Latin chronicles he is presented ...

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Verbe si exemple

Referat Engleza

Present simple: To read: A: I read 43 pages usuly N: I don’t read 43 page usually. I:Do you read 43 pages usually? I-N: Don’t uou read subtitle of mouvie ?...

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Mark twain - the adventures of huckleberry finn 2

Referat Engleza

Huck is an objective narrator. He is objective about himself, even when that objectivity is apt to reflect discreditably upon himself. He is objective about the society he encounters, even when, as he often fears, that society possesses virtues and san...

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Evolution of stars

Referat Engleza

For reasons which are not fully understood, but which may have to do with collisions of molecular clouds, or shockwaves passing through molecular clouds as the clouds pass through spiral structure in galaxies, or magnetic-gravitational instabilities (o...

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Referat Chimie

CLORURA DE SODIU [NaCl] este indispensabila vietii oamenilor si animalelor. Participand la formarea unor sucuri digestive, NaCl este introdusa zilnic ...

Costache Negruzzi

Referat Romana

NegruÅŸeÅŸtii, cu numele italienizat ulterior în Negruzzi, după un procedeu pe care-l va folosi ÅŸi Vasile Alecsandri, erau de proven...

Jim Carrey

Referat Franceza

Le plus transformiste des acteurs est né le 17 janvier 1962 Å• Newmarket, Ontario (Canada). Premier de quatre enfants, il se décrit ...

Tudor Arghezi - eul poetic

Referat Romana

În scurta istorie a discursului poetic românesc, momentul arghezian are o importanţă deosebită tocmai prin tentativa dramatică...

Anglia in secolul al XVII

Referat Istorie

Secolul al XVII-lea a fost bogat în evenimente pentru Anglia. OpoziÅ£ia dintre rege ÅŸi Parlament a declanÅŸat revoluÅ£ia burgheză ...

Aderarea Romaniei la UE

Referat Istorie

La înfiinÅ£are, Comunitatea Europeană avea 6 membri: Belgia, Luxemburg, FranÅ£a, Republica Federală a Germaniei (RFG), Italia ÅŸi ...

Razboaie dinastice in Europa

Referat Istorie

In secolele XVI si XVII, politica europeana se confrunta cu doua probleme. Una era conflictul religios dintre catolici si protestanti; cealalta er...

Titu Maiorescu-Indrumator al culturii si literaturii romane

Referat Romana

Originar din Transilvania, fiul profesorului Ioan Maiorescu, in al carui suflet au vibrat puternic ideile Revolutiei de la 1848, Maiorescu manifesta...


Referat Medicina

-În caz de evoluÅ£ie subcutană sau cronică a maladiei timp de 14 zile se indică cîte un supozitoriu pe zi, de obicei în...

Versificatia – tipuri de rime

Referat Romana

Poezia este modalitatea de comunicare artistica ce se sprijina pe elementul figurat, pe conotatie si versificatie.Domeniul poeticii care studiaza vers...

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