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The Romanian Citizenship

Categoria: Referat Engleza


The person that was once Romanian citizen but lost the Romanian citizenship by residing abroad will obtain Romanian citizenship by repatriation.
In the matter of the repatriated person’s minor child the law stipulates the parents decide for the minor’s citizenship. The minor over 14 would express separately the consent...

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The Romanian Citizenship




The citizenship is the capacity of the private person that evokes the permanent political, social, economical and juridical relationships between that private person and the state.

The Romanian citizenship proves that the private person belongs to the Romanian state and gives to that private person the possibility of being the titular of all the rights and the duties stipulated of the Constitution and the Romanian laws.

Principles of citizenship:

1. Only the Romanian citizens are the owners of all rights and duties stipulated of Constitution and laws.

Here we can talk about:

a)      the right of elect and to be elected

b)      the right of residing in Romanian territory

c)      the right of being landowner in Romania

d)     the right of not being expelled or extradited from Romania

And so on...

            2. The Romanian citizens have to abide by the Romanian laws and Constitution.

3. Only the Romanian citizens have to carry out the duties stipulated of Romanian Constitution and laws.

Some of those duties are:

a)      fidelity for Romania

b)      fulfill the military service

4. The marriage has no legal effect on husband’s citizenship.

5. The changing one husband’s citizenship has no legal effect on the other husband citizenship.


How can one person get Romanian citizenship?

In Romania, we can talk about the system jus sanguinis   and that means that the child  becomes Romanian citizen if he has Romanian parents or a Romanian parent.

 The citizenship law establishes four ways of granting the citizenship:

  • by birth
  • So, the child born by Romanian parents or by a Romanian citizen and a foreign/stateless parent is a Romanian citizen.

  • by repatriation
  • The person that was once Romanian citizen but lost the Romanian citizenship by residing abroad will obtain Romanian citizenship by repatriation.

    In the matter of the repatriated person’s minor child the law stipulates the parents decide for the minor’s citizenship. The minor over 14 would express separately the consent.

    In order to obtain the Romanian citizenship you can file a repatriation request to the Ministry of Justice.

  • by adoption
  • The child under 18 adopted by Romanian parents or one Romanian parent will get Romanian citizenship.

  • by request
  • This person will fulfill the following conditions:

    a)      He/she is born and resides in Romanian territory at the time of the request from at least 5 yrs or at least 3 yrs if he/she is married to a Romanian citizen.

    b)      He/she proves devotion to the Romanian state and the Romanian people.

    c)      He/she is over 18 yrs.

    d)     He/she has assured the means of existence.

    e)      He/she is known with a good conduct and wasn’t convicted in Romania or abroad for an offence which makes him/her unworthy of being Romanian citizen.

    f)        He/she knows the Romanian language so that he/she could integrate in the social life.

    This request can be made personally or by a person with special and authentic mandate.

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